Muzimei is so last week, one-upped by Zhuying Qingtong

Just when it seemed racy Chinese blogs a la Muzimei were but fleeting memories, her figurative twin sister, one Zhuying Qingtong, appears on the scene, setting off once again a flurry of media excitement over the latest Chinese “sex blog.” Adam offers all the details.

Update: A commenter tells me I am late to this! Sorry, it’s been a busy time for me; I saw it for the first time today over at Adam’s, but apparently it’s old news already. (Danwei beat me to it as well. Maybe it’s time for me to get out of blogging.)

The Discussion: 3 Comments

shanghai eye and danwei were so over this, just like the other day, oh.. what about the radioactive thieves? That seems more…dangerous?

February 20, 2004 @ 11:20 pm | Comment

Radioactive thieves? I must be overly absorbed in getting ready to move home — I have no idea what you’re talking about! Anyway, I can’t be on top of everything all the time.

February 20, 2004 @ 11:35 pm | Comment


February 20, 2004 @ 11:43 pm | Comment

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