Hillary Clinton’s China bashing

A good read, from someone who’s been quite critical of China himself. Of course, all the candidates will bash China, as it makes an all-too-tempting target. Granted, there’s plenty there to bash, but the casual branding of China as the root of all evil is as absurd as when Marxists say the same about the US. Thanks to Pomfret for fisking Clinton’s sloppy charges.


The Peking Duck is back

It looks like my hosting company fixed the problem. Still, I am in the process of divorcing myself from Movable Type and hope to have a new and improved site for you in the very near future.

Even though you can comment again, I can’t post for another day or two. All of your comments from last week that you thought were gone have been restored. See you soon.


Peking Duck closed for repairs

I am out of town and I will try to get the problem fixed when I am back in China. First I need to find someone who can help me port the whole site off of MT and into a more user-friendly environment like WordPress. For now the comments are hopelessly screwed up, and without comments this blog isn’t very interesting. Any site designers out there?


Comments FUBAR again

I’m afraid I don’t know how to fix the problem, but in the meantime, here is another open thread to use until it gets FUBAR’d too…
