Get the dirt on Chinese toilets

It’s all here. It may be a bit more than you wanted to know, and you may not want to read it too close to mealtime. Consider yourself forewarned.

The Discussion: 2 Comments

What???? I don’t believe it; in fact, Brendan’s descriptive analysis knows no discretion. I stand by my posting that Chinese toilets are clean enough for this country to continue to grow into a superpower.

May 4, 2004 @ 6:01 am | Comment

Asia by blog

As an ongoing series I am going to link to some of what’s going on in various Asian blogs, to give you a feel for what is happening in this part of the world. Firstly the always interesting ALN talks about Bush rejecting union calls to punish China. AL…

May 4, 2004 @ 11:08 pm | Comment

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