Day three of the Big

Day three of the Big Bad Ban continues. I have no idea what my site now looks like; knowing how bad I am with setting up the template, which I tinkered with on Tuesday, shortly before all sites went black, it’s most likely a mess. And I just dumped all this money into Blogspot Plus and Pro so I could custom-decorate my blog. It sounds like material for one of those ironic O’Henry short stories. (Do they still teach those in school?)

But life here isn’t all tragedy all the time. Yesterday the temperature soared to 2 degrees Celsius! I am not sure what that is in Fahrenheit, but I do know it is above freezing. Birds were chirping, the heavy leather gloves were put aside and the normally bleak Beijing landscape was bathed in a sensuous, golden light. Of course, my apartment is still pretty cold, but this is definitely a good sign.

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